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E-Alliance - Design De Plume



Category: Campaign Project
Entered By: Design de Plume
Date: 2021.02

Description: Researchers from three different universities (U of T, Université de Laval and Guelph University) approached us to create a brand for their organization geared towards gender diversity and inclusivity in sports. Design de Plume assisted with their strategic planning, brand name and image. We branded all of their print and digital materials and created a fully accessible AODA compliant website. Their logo represents sports equity with no start or finish, no person more important than another and no set boundaries. Each figure is symbolic of women and non-gender binary people and each is created from the different mosaic pieces that make up their own identities. From a distance, some may see a flower or understand the concept of team dynamics in motion. It is bold, powerful, energetic and subtly feminine.

Melissa Deschênes, Meggan Van Harten, Jennica Robinson, Davide Dorigo, Erik Mcmanus, Joel Boucher, and Jennifer Taback.


Campaign Project Judge: Michael Barker

With the E-Alliance branding, the designers have brought a bold and energetic visual language to the organization’s mission to advance equity in sports. The core values of diversity and inclusion held by both client and designer are not only reflected in the strong and comprehensive suite of materials developed for use across print and digital channels but in their common commitment to creating a fully accessible AODA compliant website for the organization. Congratula- tions to both E-Alliance and Design de Plume.