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STC Season Posters - Tony Jurgilas


STC Season Posters

Category: Print & Typography
Entered By: Tony Jurgilas
Date: 2019.03

Description: 2019 saw a dramatic decline in government funding for the arts. STC already found itself in a less than stable financial predicament so the decision was made to introduce a scaled-down season lineup. Each of only four mainstage plays would feature only one actor. The season theme became “All Four One.” The design is a stripped-down, minimalist approach: spartan illustrations with highly redacted typography.

Design, illustration and typographical adaptation: Tony Jurgilas RGD


Print & Typography Judge: Edmund Li

After considerable evaluation, the winning prize for the Print and Typography category is given to STC Season Posters. The designer successfully communicated the idea of the striped down production for the theatrical series, the connection of the four plays using minimum crew, and the diversity of the play’s content through composition, typography, colour and texture. The simplicity of the design communicating such complex message is worth mentioning.